Plan The Perfect Summer Picnic with These 5 Merry Theme Ideas!
Summertime is here, and if you're looking to plan the perfect summer picnic, then you're in the right place! Being in nature, while snacking on yummy food? A huge reason why we believe picnics are ...

It’s Australian Snow Season! A Catch-Up with Aussie Snowboarder Belle Brockhoff
Earlier this year we announced that we'd partnered with Australian World Champion snowboarder; Belle Brockhoff. It's been such a pleasure following along on her journeys! From competing in Europe a...

The sun warms your back, your hands comb through cool dirt, and the earthy, fresh scent of your garden fills your nose. An afternoon tending to your garden is a very merry way to spend an afternoon...

Samantha Gash: Putting the Bobbi Boots Through Their Paces!
What do you love about your Bobbi Boots? "They literally make me feel joyful, comfortable and able to weather any storm!" We're so excited to introduce our partnership with Samantha Gash, a...

Green Hills Farm: Harvesting the Rewards of your Veggie Garden
We’re back at Green Hills Farm talking all about reaping the rewards of your veggie gardens! You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve spent hours watering plants, staking those untamed green beans, ...

Green Hills Farm: Creating an Organic Veggie Garden
Last month we visited the beautiful world of Green Hills Farm. Situated in Yarragon South, West Gippsland, Green Hills Farm was created by Kristy and Neil Plumridge. Two long-time corporate Melbou...

Guest Blog | Cabin Style at the Dell Prairie A-frame with Moody Cabin Girl
Gina is a long time member of our Merry Community, she's a passionate promoter Midwest cabin culture on her website Moody Cabin Girl. With Winter arriving here in Australia, we've asked Gina to sh...

Guest Blog | Washington Coast Beach Cleanup with Sky & Mitch
INSPIRED BY THOSE WHO WORK TOWARD A GREENER TOMORROW A Protect Our Earth Kind of Adventure by Sky & Mitch This August (when Australia was in a lockdown), we collaborated with Sky and Mitc...

11 Urban Parks to Visit in Australia
11 Urban Parks to Visit in Australia Who doesn’t love a picnic? With the weather warming in Australia (and Covid-19 restrictions still in force), we’ve been spending more time than ever before han...

To celebrate the end of the financial year, we headed for the woods to stay at the CABN Allira in the Yarra Valley. We’ve been working from home since March, and love the chance to catch up face to...

15 Easy Walking Trails Around Australia
15 Easy Walking Trails Around Australia Live in a city but miss the music and scents of nature? Luckily for us, Australia has no shortage of beautiful walking trails, parks, and day hikes. Rain ...

8 Easy Ways to Make Indoor Camping More Fun
8 Easy Ways to Make Indoor Camping More Fun Indoor camping is a great year-round and weatherproof way to bring the outdoors inside. Suitable for all ages, it is both a great way to spice up date ...

How to Love Your Indoor Houseplants
How to Love Your Indoor Houseplants Written with Alice Crowe, The Lush Forest @lush_forest Indoor plants are easily one of the top interior decorating trends of the last forever. If you are like ...

13 Plant Happy Accounts to Follow on Instagram
13 Plant Happy Accounts to Follow on Instagram No matter if you have two green thumbs, are just getting started with houseplants, or enjoy looking at floral design, Instagram is a great spot to c...

Getting Started with Gardening
Gardening for Beginners By Dani & Michelle Whether you are after a new hobby or dreaming of that farm-to-table life, now is the perfect time to start a garden! Gardening allows you to slow do...

Staying Connected Tips for fostering connection & community At Merry People, we believe in making people feel happiness and a sense of adventure. But how do you find that sense of adventure w...

Guest Blog | Discover Iceland with Storm & Xavier
TLC once said “don’t go chasing waterfalls” Maybe we should have taken some of that advice literally, within 2 hours of picking up our camper van we had managed to get stuck in a ditch looking for ...